Below you will find a configuration entry that you can place inside apache httpd.conf file
This entry will block many common bad search engine bots/spiders from access your site and using resources.
Also the line BrowserMatchNoCase wordpress bad_bot blocks the wordpress pingback dos attack.
<Location />
order allow,deny
# Begin Bad Bot Blocking
BrowserMatchNoCase OmniExplorer_Bot/6.11.1 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase omniexplorer_bot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Baiduspider bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Baiduspider/2.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase yandex bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase yandeximages bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Spinn3r bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase sogou bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Sogouwebspider/3.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Sogouwebspider/4.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase sosospider+ bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase jikespider bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase ia_archiver bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase PaperLiBot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase ahrefsbot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase ahrefsbot/1.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase SiteBot/0.1 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase DNS-Digger/1.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase DNS-Digger-Explorer/1.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase boardreader bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase radian6 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase R6_FeedFetcher bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase R6_CommentReader bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase ScoutJet bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase ezooms bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase CC-rget/5.818 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase libwww-perl/5.813 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase magpie-crawler 1.1 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase jakarta bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase discobot/1.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase MJ12bot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase MJ12bot/v1.2.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase MJ12bot/v1.2.5 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase SemrushBot/0.9 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase MLBot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase butterfly bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase SeznamBot/3.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase HuaweiSymantecSpider bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Exabot/2.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase netseer/0.1 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase NetSeer crawler/2.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase NetSeer/Nutch-0.9 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase psbot/0.1 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase moreoverbot/5.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase SocialSpider-Finder/0.2 bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase wordpress bad_bot
Deny from env=bad_bot
# End Bad Bot Blocking
allow from all
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